If you have an interest in theatre and the English language, why not join us?

The EDS is made up mostly of students who regularly come and go (and some who come back again!), so we are always looking for new people to join us. We don’t just need actors, but also people who are keen to work behind the scenes. You also don't have to be a student to take part.

Next opportunity to join

Introductory meetings and auditions for the winter production in February 2025 will take place in October. Further information will appear here towards the end of September.

Taking part FAQ

Why join the EDS?

Maybe you’ve seen some of our plays, are interested in theatre, or just want to get involved with a fun group of people and would like to join us. Even if you have no ambitions to become an actor or actress and can’t see yourself on stage, if you have an interest in theatre and the English language, there is plenty to do off stage as well.

How much of a commitment is it to be part of the EDS?

We usually rehearse Mondays to Thursdays from 8 – 10.30 pm in front of the Audimax in the main university building, Bismarckstraße 1 in Erlangen. For most of the semester only the director need be present for every rehearsal. Principal actors usually have to rehearse on 2 – 3 evenings while smaller parts may require only one rehearsal per week. The week before the performances, however, demands a very large time commitment from all those involved so please bear this in mind before committing to a part.

We perform two plays every year – one week in February and one week in July / August.

I have an idea for a production. Do you want to hear it?

Whilst suggestions are always welcome from members, there are many factors to take into consideration when deciding which play to perform – not least the usually large number of people who wish to take part. The EDS is not a democracy, however, and the play is chosen and cast by the director.

I can’t act. How can I be involved?

Introductory meetings are held in first teaching week of each semester (mid-April for the summer production and mid-October for the winter production) where you can find out more about what possibilities there are and tell us how you would like to be involved. Actors, singers, dancers, make-up artists, stage designers, stage builders, costume makers, lighting technicians, sound technicians, poster and programme designers, ticket sellers, gophers, dogsbodies, and general factotums are always welcome to come along. A production on this scale is not possible without many people to do the many jobs.