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Legal Notice (Impressum)
Information we are legally obliged to provide to users of our website

Website owner

Sprachenzentrum der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Bismarckstr. 10
91054 Erlangen

Legal representation

The FAU Language Centre is is a body of public law as part of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).

Pursuant to Art. 20, 21 BayHSchG the FAU as a state institution and self-governing body under public law is represented by the president.

Responsible for the content

The English Dramatic Society at the FAU Language Centre

Bismarckstr. 10
91054 Erlangen


Responsible supervisory authority

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst

Salvatorstraße 2
80327 München


1. Terms and conditions of use

Texts, images, graphics and the design of these web pages may be subject to copyright.

As a private individual, you may use copyrighted material for private and other personal purposes within the scope of s. 53 Act on Copyright and Related Rights. Any duplication or use of these pages or parts thereof in other electronic or printed publications and their publication is only permitted with our consent. On request, the persons responsible for the content can grant this consent. The reproduction and evaluation of press releases and speeches is generally permitted provided the source is cited.

Furthermore, texts, images, graphics and other files may be subject to the copyright of third parties in whole or in part. The persons responsible for the content can also provide you with more detailed information about the existence of possible rights of third parties, unless these rights are already recognisable by corresponding references on the respective page.

2. Exclusion of liability

We have compiled and checked all information provided on this website to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we cannot guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, correct, complete and available at all times. A contractual relationship with the users of the website does not exist.

We are not liable for any damage resulting from the use of this website. The exclusion of liability does not apply insofar as the provisions of s. 839 German Civil Code (BGB) (Liability in cases of breach of official duty) are relevant. No liability is assumed for damage caused by data accessed or downloaded by malware or as a result of the installation and use of software.

Pursuant to s. 7 (1) TMG, as the povider of a service we are responsible for our own content on these web pages in accordance with the relevant statutotory provisions. Pursuant to sections 8 – 10 TMG, as the provider of a service we are not, however, obliged to monitor transmitted or stored information from third parties and to search for situations which might suggest illegal activities. The obligation to remove or block access to information in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions is unaffected by this. However, liability in this respect is only possible once we have knowledge of a concrete infringement. If we become aware of any such legal infringements, we will remove these contents immediately.

The operator expressly reserves the right to amend, supplement or delete individual web pages, web services or the entire website without prior notice or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

3. Disclaimer (links and references)

This website contains links to the external websites belonging to third parties, the contents of which we have no influence on and for which we therefore cannot assume any guarantee for. The respective provider or operator of the sites is always responsible for the contents of such linked sites. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations when the links were initially created and no illegal content was identifiable at that time.

A permanent monitoring of the contents of the linked pages is neither reasonable nor stipulated by the legislator without concrete evidence of a violation of the law. However, we will remove such links immediately should we become aware of any infringements.